Designer's Life

Designer's Life

Why is design more than simply a profession, but a way of life?

As a ‘designer,’ I thrive on being creative. But that does not imply that my duty is to design. In fact, it’s my entire existence.
People’s perceptions of their jobs
According to one notion, most individuals see their job in one of three ways.

  1. A Job: People who have a “job” regard employment as a chore with a paycheck as the reward. They work because they must and look forward to the time they can spend away from work.
  2. A Career: People who have a career work not only for the sake of survival but also to progress and thrive. They are enthusiastic about their work and desire to succeed.
  3. A Calling: People who have a calling see work as a means to an end; their job is rewarding not because of external benefits, but because they believe it contributes to the greater good, relies on their own qualities, and offers them meaning and purpose.

I’m fortunate to be among those who regard their ‘work’ as a calling, rather than a job at all.
For people like them, being creative becomes a way of life. Your creative side does not turn off when you leave the office; your mind is constantly on the lookout for new ideas. You can get inspiration when sitting on a bus, in the typography of a road sign, or just in the natural surroundings. Creativity is all around you; it absorbs you.

Happiness is a benefit

According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, “good emotions flood our brains with dopamine and serotonin.” These substances not only make us feel good, but they can also activate our brain’s learning centres. So, being creative and doing what you love may not only make you happy, but it can also make you learn faster and remember more.

Prophecy That Comes True

There’s nothing better than knowing that what you do as a career is actually a part of your life and what you’re supposed to be doing; there’s nothing better than knowing that what you do makes you happy. That happiness makes waking up in the morning and going to work easier; it allows you to see the world differently, and your attitude toward your job changes.
Feeling like your job isn’t actually a job at all allows you to relax and be more fun and creative, making you a better worker.

This, in my opinion, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being happy makes you more creative, and your job makes you happy, thus you’re more creative at work because of that!